Brodie Fraser

Brodie’s PhD research explored the intersection of Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ identities and experiences of homelessness in Aotearoa. They have a background in political science, and their previous research has looked at the political participation of LGBTIQ+ youth. Brodie has experience working in parliamentary politics, and has a strong activist background. They are passionate about creating positive social change and addressing social, economic, and cultural inequalities.


Brodie is open to supervising Master’s students and co-supervising PhD students, particularly in the areas of homelessness, LGBTIQ+ identities, gender inequities, and political participation.

Key publications

  1. Ombler J Jiang T Fraser B Nelson J McMinn C Hawkes K Atatoa-Carr P Pehi T Aspinall C Bierre S Schick K Howden-Chapman P Pierse N
    Five-Year Post-Housing Outcomes for a Housing First Cohort in Aotearoa, New Zealand
    International Journal on Homelessness 2024; 4(1).


  2. Fraser B Aspinall C Chisholm E Ombler J Bierre S Telfar-Barnard L Johnson E Howden-Chapman P
    A Snapshot of a Fragmented Landscape: Homelessness Law and Policy in Aotearoa New Zealand
    Chris Bevan (ed). Global Perspectives on Homelessness Law & Policy, Routledge, 2024
  3. Fraser B Pierse N Chisholm E
    “There’s No Room for Falling Apart:” Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ People’s Experiences of Homelessness in Aotearoa New Zealand
    Gay and Lesbian Social Services. 2023.
  4. Howden-Chapman P Crane J Keall M Pierse N Baker MG Cunningham C Amore K Aspinall C Bennett J Bierre S Boulic M Chapman R Chisholm E Davies C Fougere G Fraser B
    He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
    Volume 54, 2024
  5. Fraser B Chisholm E Pierse N
    Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ People’s Experiences of Homelessness and Sex Work in Aotearoa New Zealand
    Anti-Trafficking Review.
    (20) 2023
  6. Fraser B Jiang T Cordue H Pierse N
    Housing, Instability, and Discrimination amongst Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ Youth in Aotearoa New Zealand
  7. Fraser B Chun S Pehi T Jiang T Johnson E Ombler J Pierse N
    Post-housing first outcomes amongst a cohort of formerly homeless youth in Aotearoa New Zealand
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
    53(5), 656-672
  8. A Failed Attempt at Participatory Video With Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ People Who Had Experienced Homelessness
    International Journal of Qualitative Methods
  9. Pierse N Ombler J Chun S Fraser B White M Aspinall C McMinn C Howden-Chapman P Nelson J Hawkes K Jiang T Atatoa-Carr P
    Two-Year Post-Housing Outcomes for a Housing First Cohort in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    European Journal of Homelessness
  10. Fraser B Chisholm E Pierse N
    “You’re so powerless”: Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ people’s experiences before becoming homeless in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  11. (2021).
    "We can't find a safe or secure environment to be ourselves": Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ homelessness in Aotearoa New Zealand (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago.
  12. White, M. Cook, H. Chun, S. Tareha, H.
    Service usage of a cohort of formerly homeless women in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    SSM Population Health,
    15, 100842.
  13. White, M. McMinn, C. Atatoa-Carr, P. Nelson, J. Hawkes, K. Cook, H.
    Service usage by a New Zealand Housing First cohort prior to being housed.
    SSM - Population Health,
    8, 100432.
  14. Fraser B Pierse N Chisholm E Cook H
    LGBTIQ+ Homelessness: A Review of the Literature
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    16(15). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152677
  15. (2017).
    Housing First in New Zealand.
    3rd International Housing First Conference, Padova, Italy,
  16. Fraser B Chisholm E Pierse N
    “There’s no room for falling apart:” Takatāpui/LGBTIQ + people’s experiences of homelessness in Aotearoa New Zealand
    Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services. 2023
    Abstract Takatāpui/LGBTIQ + people’s experiences of homelessness remain poorly understood in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using data from semi-structured interviews with eight people who identified as Takatāpui/LGBTIQ + and had experienced homelessness, this paper explores their experiences while homeless. The analysis showed the necessity of strength of character, how Takatāpui/LGBTIQ + people presented a different self in order to be accepted, the different strategies used to survive, the importance of implementing boundaries for self-protection, and missed points of intervention and support. Our findings show how participants were failed by the housing support system, and had to rely on themselves and their communities during periods of homelessness.