Caroline Shaw

Caroline is a Public Health Medicine Specialist and epidemiologist. She teaches a postgraduate Public Health course in Environmental Health and is also involved in undergraduate teaching and curriculum development in the University of Otago medical degree. Her current research is at the interface of transport, health and climate change, particularly around the health opportunities offered by decarbonising the transport sector. She has undertaken research in the ethnic and socio-economic determinants of health, cancer control, population screening and obesity prevention.

Key publications

  1. Woodward, A. Macmillan, A. Hosking, J. Chapman, R. Waa, A.
    Fairness in transport policy: a new approach to applying distributive justice theories.
    12(23), 10102.
  2. Boulic, M. Longley, I. Mitchell, T.
    The association between indoor and outdoor NO2 levels: A case study in 50 residences in an urban neighbourhood in New Zealand.
  3. Chapman, R. Abrahamse, W.
    Are people who already cycle and walk more responsive to an active travel intervention?
    Journal of Transport & Health,
    10, 84-91.
  4. (2018).
    Reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from an intervention to promote cycling and walking: A case study from New Zealand.
    Transportation Research Part D,
    2018, 65, 687-696,
  5. Hales, S. Chapman, R.
    Improving air quality: co-benefits for the urban system.
    Air Quality and Climate Change,
    2011, 45,4,19-23.