He Kāinga Oranga - Housing and Health Research Programme is an interdisciplinary research centre that investigates the impact of the indoor environment and housing interventions on residents' health and wellbeing.
Although New Zealanders spend most of their time indoors and there is a known association between poor housing and ill health, the causes of this association have until recently been overlooked. He Kāinga Oranga undertakes research to identify these causal links and to analyse and evaluate housing-related interventions that can improve individual, family and community health.
He Kāinga Oranga works in partnership with communities to carry out the highest quality research to inform national and international housing policies.
Our multi-disciplinary team has expertise in both qualitative and quantitative disciplines.
He Kāinga Oranga is based at the University of Otago, Wellington along with our sister research centre the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities. He Kāinga Oranga is funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand and the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.