Dr Brodie Fraser Postdoctoral Fellow researches Takatāpui/LGBTQI+ peoples' experiences of housing stability.

Aotearoa New Zealand has an ongoing housing crisis, with a lack of housing and an under-regulated private rental market. The inevitable consequence of this is minority groups, such as Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ people, experiencing high rates of homelessness. This fellowship will investigate how people who identify as Takatāpui/ LGBTIQ+ experience housing instability. This mixed-methods research will explore the housing trajectories of this community, their experiences of housing instability, and how they find and make a place feel like home during such times. This will provide insights into how housing policy and culture can account for the specific needs of people who identify as Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+. Results for Māori will be highlighted in all outputs, as there exists limited research on Takatāpui peoples’ experiences broadly. Furthermore, this research will provide valuable insight into how policymakers can best support Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ people to ensure their housing needs are met, enabling them to flourish. This research will complement existing research by He Kāinga Oranga about residential mobility, social housing, and tenancy.

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LGBTQI+ Homelessness Housing & Building NZ Policy Health equity Human rights Public housing Poverty Health Wellbeing