Kim O'Sullivan

Kim is a Senior Research Fellow with He Kāinga Oranga - Housing and Health Research Programme, where she has undertaken energy poverty and health research since 2008.

Kim’s research explores the relationships between energy poverty (fuel poverty), energy use behaviours, energy efficiency of housing and buildings, and the important interactions of these with health and wellbeing. She is currently leading research exploring the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on home energy use in New Zealand and health outcomes of the government’s Winter Energy Payment, and is a collaborator on an international project exploring energy poverty in Canada. She holds a Marsden Fast Start research grant: Heating Up, Cooling Off: Household management of summer heat flows. She has experience in energy poverty and health research, consumer experiences and impacts of prepay electricity, involving young people in the research process, and exploring energy use among people who work from home. Kim has expertise in the design and use of qualitative methods, surveys, mixed methods, and participatory research methods; linking and integrating diverse datasets to produce robust evidence on the extent and health impacts of energy poverty, and pioneering digital research methods for public health and energy research.

Key publications

  1. Riva, M. Kingunza Makasi, S. Dufresne, P. Toth, M.
    Energy poverty in Canada: Prevalence, social and spatial distribution, and implications for research and policy.
    Energy Research & Social Science,
    81 (2021) 102237.
  2. Rotmann, S. Mundaca, L. Ambrose, A. Ashby, K. V.
    An in-depth review of the literature on 'hard-to-reach' energy users [Extended abstract].
    Proceedings of BEHAVE 2020-2021: The 6th European Conference on Behaviour Change for Energy Efficiency
    pp. 178-181
  3. Rotmann, S. Ambrose, A. Karlin, B. Forster, H. Mundaca, L.
    To what extent has Covid-19 impacted hard-to-reach energy audiences? [Extended abstract].
    Proceedings of BEHAVE 2020-2021: The 6th European Conference on Behaviour Change for Energy Efficiency
    pp. 193-196
  4. von Benzon, N.
    Analysing ‘messy’ data.
    In N. von Benzon, M. Holton, C. Wilkinson & S. Wilkinson (Eds.),
    Creative methods for human geographers. (pp. 351-364). London, UK: Sage.
  5. Puloka, V. Signal, L. Shearer, I.
    Beyond home: Exploring energy poverty among youth in four diverse Pacific island states.
    Energy Research & Social Science,
    70, 101638.
  6. (2020).
    Baby it’s hot outside: Balancing health risks and energy efficiency when parenting during extreme heat events.
    Energy Research & Social Science,
    66, 101480. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101480.
  7. (2019).
    Health impacts of energy poverty and cold indoor temperature.
    In J. Nriagu (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (2nd ed).
    (pp. 436-443). Elsevier.
  8. (2017).
    Mixing methods, maximizing results: use of mixed methods research to investigate policy solutions for fuel poverty and energy vulnerability.
    Sage Mixed Methods Research,
    26(7), 1009-1017.
  9. (2017).
    Housing, energy and health in resilient cities.
    Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities,
    Howden-Chapman, L. Early & J. Ombler (Eds.), (pp. 95-106). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
  10. (2017).
    Using Twitter to Explore (un)Healthy Housing: Learning from the #Characterbuildings Campaign in New Zealand.
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
    14(11) 1424-1438. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14111424
  11. Sim, D. Stanley, J. Rowan, R. Harris Clark, I. Morris, L. The Waiopehu College 2015 Research Team
    Cool? Young people investigate living in cold housing and fuel poverty. A mixed methods action research study.
    Social Science and Medicine – Population Health,
    3, 66-74.
  12. Stanley, J. Fougere, G.M.
    Heating practices and self-disconnection among electricity prepayment meter consumers in New Zealand: a follow-up survey.
    Utilities Policy,
    41, 139-147.
  13. (2016).
    Child and Youth Fuel Poverty: Assessing the Known and Unknown.
    People, Place and Policy,
    10(1), 77-87. DOI: 10.3351/ppp.0010.0001.0006
  14. (2015).
    What Effect Will the 2015 Budget Have on Housing?
    Policy Quarterly,
    11 (3): 13–19.
  15. (2015).
    Fuel poverty, policy, and equity in New Zealand: The promise of prepayment metering.
    Energy Research & Social Science,
    7, 99–107
  16. (2012)..
    Tackling cold housing and fuel poverty in New Zealand: a review of policies, research and health impacts.
    Energy Policy,
    49, 134-142.
  17. (2011).
    Making the connection: the relationship between fuel poverty, electricity disconnection and prepayment metering.
    Energy Policy,
    39, 733-741.
  18. Chapman, R. O'Day, D. Free, S.
    Warm Homes: drivers of demand for heating in the residential sector in New Zealand.
    Energy Policy,
    37(9), 3387-3399