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Consultation submission form Building Code update 2022 -Transition period for the energy efficiency of housing

He Kāinga Oranga - Housing and Health Research Programme Team has made a submission to  MBIE about the extended transition time for the improved building standards, please read

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The cost of achieving healthy temperatures in children's bedrooms: Evidence from New Zealand
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Is the Wellington medical school facility a sick building?
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Housing and Heating Research Team.
Housing, Heating and Health Study: 2005/2006 Report One - Aims and methods.
Matheson, A. Cunningham, M. Blakely, T. O’Dea, D. Woodward, A. Saville-Smith, A. Waipara, N.
Retrofitting houses with insulation to reduce health inequalities: Aims and methods of a clustered, randomised community-based trial
Social Science and Medicine,
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Download document
Hales, S.
Effects of air pollution on health.
Healthy Housing Index Pilot Study Final Report.
He Kāinga Oranga/Housing & Health Research Programme Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington.
Signal, L. Martin, J. Reid, P. Carroll, C. Keefe Ormsby, V. Richards, R. Robson, B. Wall, T.
Tackling health inequalities: moving theory to action.
International Journal of Equity in Health,
6(12). doi:10.1186/1475-9276-6-12.
Matheson, A. Cunningham, M. Blakely, T. Woodward, A. O’Dea, D. Kennedy, M. Waipara, N. Chapman, R. Davie, G.
Effect of insulating existing houses on health inequality: cluster randomised study in the community.
Institutional challenges in addressing healthy low-cost housing for all: learning from past policy.
Social Policy Journal of New Zealand,
30, 42-64.
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