Publication or Resource

Taranaki home injury hazards study.
Build Magazine,
112, 52-5.
Download document
Estimation of the social costs of home injury.
Accident Analysis & Prevention,
43(3), 998-1002.
Cost—benefit analysis of fall injuries prevented by a programme of home modifications: A cluster randomised controlled trial.
Lessons Learned from Implementing a Programme of Home Modifications to Prevent Falls amongst the General Population.
4(2), 26;
Home modifications to reduce injuries from falls in the Home Injury Prevention Intervention (HIPI) study: a cluster-randomised controlled trial.
Home modifications to prevent home fall injuries in houses with Māori occupants (MHIPI): a randomised controlled trial.
Lancet Public Health,
6(9), e631-e640.
Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial of home modification to prevent home fall injuries in houses with Māori occupants.
MDPI Methods and Protocols,
3(4), 71.


New research highlights the benefit of injury prevention measures in Māori households

Media release
A new study finds inexpensive home modifications can reduce the incidence of falls at home.
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