Publication or Resource

Barnes, P. Kanga, J. Honeywill, C. Robertson, O.
The cost of achieving healthy temperatures in children's bedrooms: Evidence from New Zealand
Energy Policy,
164, 12861.
Preval, N. Chapman, R. The Housing, Heating and Health Team.
Evaluating Energy, Health and Carbon Co-benefits from Improved Domestic Space Heating: A Randomised Community Trial.
Energy Policy,
38(8), 3965-3972.
Preval, N. Arnold, R. Young, C. Grimes, A. Denne, T.
The impact of retrofitted insulation and new heaters on health services utilisation and costs, pharmaceutical costs and mortality; Evaluation of Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart.
A report prepared for the Ministry of Economic Development.
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Grimes, A. Young, C. Arnold, R. Denne, T. Preval, N.
Warming Up New Zealand: Impacts of the New Zealand Insulation Fund on Metered Household Energy Use.
A paper prepared for the Ministry of Economic Development.
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Grimes, A. Denne, T. Arnold, R. Preval, N. Young, C.
Cost Benefit Analysis of the Warm Up New Zealand : Heat Smart Programme.
A report prepared for Ministry of Economic Development.
Making the connection: the relationship between fuel poverty, electricity disconnection and prepayment metering.
Energy Policy,
39, 733-741.
Tackling cold housing and fuel poverty in New Zealand: a review of policies, research and health impacts.
Energy Policy,
49, 134-142.
Stanley, J. Fougere, G.M.
Heating practices and self-disconnection among electricity prepayment meter consumers in New Zealand: a follow-up survey.
Utilities Policy,
41, 139-147.
Child and Youth Fuel Poverty: Assessing the Known and Unknown.
People, Place and Policy,
10(1), 77-87. DOI: 10.3351/ppp.0010.0001.0006
Grimes, A. Preval, N. Young, C. Arnold, R. Denne, T.
Does Retrofitted Insulation Reduce Household Energy Use? Theory and Practice.
The Energy Journal,
37 (4).
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