Publication or Resource

Das, D. Venugopal, K.
Tuberculosis associated with household crowding in developed country.
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health,
Close-contact infectious diseases in New Zealand: Trends and ethnic inequalities in hospitalisations, 1989-2008.
A report prepared for the Māori Health Directorate, Ministry of Health.
Kvalsvig, A. Verrall, A. Zhang, J. Wilson, N. Wall, T.
Increasing incidence and inequalities in infectious diseases in a developed country.
The Lancet,
McDonald, A. Zhang, J.
Infectious Diseases Attributable to Household Crowding in New Zealand: A Systematic Review and Burden of Disease Estimate.
He Kāinga Oranga/Housing & Health Research Programme, University of Otago.
Oliver, J.
Estimating rheumatic fever incidence in New Zealand using multiple data sources.
Oliver, J. Foster, T. Williamson, D.A.
Using preceding hospital admissions to identify children at risk of developing acute rheumatic fever.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,
54(5), 499-505.
Oliver, J. Foster, T. Kvalsvig, A. Williamson, D.A.
Risk of rehospitalisation and death for vulnerable New Zealand children.
BMJ, Archives of Disease in Childhood,
Baum, F. Freeman, T. Musolino, C. Abramovitz, M. De Ceukelaire, W. Flavel, J. Villar, E.
Explaining covid-19 performance: What factors might predict national responses?
Zhang, J. Leung, W. Jack, S. Oliver, J. Webb, R. Wilson, N Sika-Paotonu, D. Harwood, M.
Rising ethnic inequalities in acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, New Zealand, 2000-2018.
Emerging Infectious Diseases,
27(1), 36-46. doi: 10.3201/eid2701.191791
Thomas, S. Jack, S. Oliver, J. Purdie, G. Upton, A.
Descriptive analysis of group A Streptococcus in skin swabs and acute rheumatic fever, Auckland, New Zealand, 2010–2016.
Lancet Regional Health: Western Pacific,
8, 100101.
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