Publication or Resource

Consultation submission form Building Code update 2022 -Transition period for the energy efficiency of housing

He Kāinga Oranga - Housing and Health Research Programme Team has made a submission to  MBIE about the extended transition time for the improved building standards, please read

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Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand.
Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
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Urban form and transport; the transition to resilient cities.
In Howden-Chapman, P., Stuart, K. & Chapman, R. (Eds.),
Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand. (pp 7-17).Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
Goodyear, R. Pearson, A.L. Rivera-Muñoz, G. Woodbury, E.
Rebuilding Christchurch: A Case of the Inverse Care Law.
In B. Bennett, J. Dann, E. Johnson & R. Reynolds (Eds.), Once in a Lifetime: City-Building After Disaster in Christchurch.
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Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities.
Werna, E. Siri, J. Tan, D. T.
As safe as houses? Why standards for urban development matter.
Cities & Health,
Rivera-Muñoz, G.
Structural Adjustment & Post-Disaster Housing Recovery: A Critical Analysis of the Case of the Canterbury Earthquakes of 2010 & 2011.
Health Education and Behavior,
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Boulic, M. Longley, I. Mitchell, T.
The association between indoor and outdoor NO2 levels: A case study in 50 residences in an urban neighbourhood in New Zealand.


The Panel with Jo McCarroll and Andrew Hoggard (Part 2)


Wallace and panellists Jo McCarroll and Andrew Hoggard discuss if Aotearoa should have a national design agency, with urban design a controversial topic.

McCarroll and Andrew Hoggard (Part 2)

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