Publication or Resource

Renting in New Zealand: Perspectives from tenant advocates.
12(1), 95-110. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2016.1272471.
Individual and collective action to improve rental housing in New Zealand: an historical and contemporary study (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago.
Constructing housing quality, health, and private rental housing: a critical analysis (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago.
Decent Expectations? The Use and Interpretation of Housing Standards in Tenancy Tribunals in New Zealand.
New Zealand Universities Law Review,
26 (2), 153-185.
Health Impacts of Social Housing: Hospitalisations in Housing New Zealand Applicants and Tenants, 2003-2008.
Wellington: He Kāinga Oranga/ Housing & Health Research Programme, University of Otago.
Evidence base for a housing warrant of fitness.
Sage Open Medicine,
7, 1-17.
Perceived benefits and risks of developing mixed communities in New Zealand: Implementer perspectives.
Urban Research & Practice,
Tenants’ responses to substandard housing: Hidden and invisible power and the failure of rental housing regulation.
Commentary on Housing, health and wellbeing in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Health Education and Behavior,
47(6), 802-804.
Renting poorer housing: Ecological relationships between tenure, dwelling condition, and income, and housing-sensitive hospitalisations in a developed country.
Health Education and Behavior,
47(6), 816-824
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