Publication or Resource

Matheson, A. Cunningham, M. Blakely, T. O’Dea, D. Woodward, A. Saville-Smith, A. Waipara, N.
Retrofitting houses with insulation to reduce health inequalities: Aims and methods of a clustered, randomised community-based trial
Social Science and Medicine,
61(12, 2600-2610.
Download document
Matheson, A. Cunningham, M. Blakely, T. Woodward, A. O’Dea, D. Kennedy, M. Waipara, N. Chapman, R. Davie, G.
Effect of insulating existing houses on health inequality: cluster randomised study in the community.
Nicholls, S. Cunningham, M. Phipps, R. Boulic, M. Fjallstrom, P. Free, S. Chapman, R. ... ...
Effects of improved home heating on asthma in community dwelling children: randomised community study.
Walker, G.J. Stelzer‐Braid, S. Honeywill, C. Wynn, M. Willenborg, C. Barnes, P. Kang, J. Rawlinson, W.D.
Viruses associated with acute respiratory infection in a community‐based cohort of healthy New Zealand children.
Journal of Medical Virology,
Open access.
Perceived benefits and risks of developing mixed communities in New Zealand: Implementer perspectives.
Urban Research & Practice,
Rivera-Muñoz, G.
Structural Adjustment & Post-Disaster Housing Recovery: A Critical Analysis of the Case of the Canterbury Earthquakes of 2010 & 2011.
Health Education and Behavior,
47(6), 805-815.
Yu, C
Short selling and firm investment efficiency
Financial Markets & Portfolio Management, 38, 191-237
doi: 10.1007/s11408-023-00442-1


Kimberley O’Sullivan | Researcher at Otago University


Why are our poorest paying the most for electricity?

The Front Page: $1 billion a year could be saved by improving quality of NZ homes


An expert in public health and housing says that New Zealand could save around a $1 billion by improving the quality of our housing stock.

Heating NZ's homes: 'We're really still lagging way, way behind'


Kim O’Sullivan was interviewed by RNZ at the recent Reducing Energy Hardship Conference for the story on 28 May 2023 Heating NZ's homes: 'We're really st

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