
More support urged for many struggling to keep warm in winter


More support urged for many struggling to keep warm in winter 

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Students suffer as they struggle to heat cold flats

Dr Kimberley O'Sullivan speaks about her research finding students are more likely to live in damp,mouldy homes

The price of keeping kids warm at night

New study finds heating a child's bedroom at night through a Wellington winter would use up almost half the Winter Energy Payment

Report on housing lacking basic amenities

Five percent of New Zealand houses lack basic amenities, a new report from He Kāinga Oranga has found.

Publication or Resource

Rotmann, S. Ambrose, A. Karlin, B. Forster, H. Mundaca, L.
To what extent has Covid-19 impacted hard-to-reach energy audiences? [Extended abstract].
Proceedings of BEHAVE 2020-2021: The 6th European Conference on Behaviour Change for Energy Efficiency
pp. 193-196
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