Publication or Resource

Close-contact infectious diseases in New Zealand: Trends and ethnic inequalities in hospitalisations, 1989-2008.
A report prepared for the Māori Health Directorate, Ministry of Health.
Preval, N. Arnold, R. Young, C. Grimes, A. Denne, T.
The impact of retrofitted insulation and new heaters on health services utilisation and costs, pharmaceutical costs and mortality; Evaluation of Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart.
A report prepared for the Ministry of Economic Development.
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Grimes, A. Denne, T. Arnold, R. Preval, N. Young, C.
Cost Benefit Analysis of the Warm Up New Zealand : Heat Smart Programme.
A report prepared for Ministry of Economic Development.
Tackling cold housing and fuel poverty in New Zealand: a review of policies, research and health impacts.
Energy Policy,
49, 134-142.
Chapman, R. Fougere, G.
Improving health through community-based housing interventions.
International Journal of Public Health,
56, 583–588. DOI 10.1007/s00038-011-0287-z
Hales, S. Chapman, R.
Improving air quality: co-benefits for the urban system.
Air Quality and Climate Change,
2011, 45,4,19-23.
Chapman, R. Capon, A. Wilson, N.
Carbon pricing is a health protection policy.
Medical Journal of Australia,
195(6), 311-312. doi: 10.5694/mja11.10871.
Chandola, T. Stafford, M. Marmot, M.
Does housing predict mental health status in older people in Whitehall II?
BMC Public Health,
11:682 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-682.
Carroll, P. Casswell, S. Huakau, J. Perry, P.
The Widening Gap: perceptions of poverty and income inequalities and implications of population health.
Social Policy Journal of New Zealand,
2011, 37,1-12.
McDonald, A. Zhang, J.
Infectious Diseases Attributable to Household Crowding in New Zealand: A Systematic Review and Burden of Disease Estimate.
He Kāinga Oranga/Housing & Health Research Programme, University of Otago.
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