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Sim, D. Stanley, J. Rowan, R. Harris Clark, I. Morris, L. The Waiopehu College 2015 Research Team
Cool? Young people investigate living in cold housing and fuel poverty. A mixed methods action research study.
Social Science and Medicine – Population Health,
3, 66-74.
Cold New Zealand council housing getting an upgrade
Policy Quarterly
14 (2)
Fuel poverty, policy, and equity in New Zealand: The promise of prepayment metering.
Energy Research & Social Science,
7, 99–107
Preval, N. Grimes, A.
Policy failure and success: a Trans-Tasman comparison of two insulation subsidy schemes.
Agenda: A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform
26, 51-65.
Mixing methods, maximizing results: use of mixed methods research to investigate policy solutions for fuel poverty and energy vulnerability.
Sage Mixed Methods Research,
26(7), 1009-1017.
Wickens, K. Ingham, T. Davies, C. Chapman, R.
Effect of an electricity voucher on electricity use.
Energy Policy,
134, 110985.
Health impacts of energy poverty and cold indoor temperature.
In J. Nriagu (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (2nd ed).
(pp. 436-443). Elsevier.
Puloka, V. Signal, L. Shearer, I.
Beyond home: Exploring energy poverty among youth in four diverse Pacific island states.
Energy Research & Social Science,
70, 101638.
Riva, M. Kingunza Makasi, S. Dufresne, P. Toth, M.
Energy poverty in Canada: Prevalence, social and spatial distribution, and implications for research and policy.
Energy Research & Social Science,
81 (2021) 102237.
Towards dwelling energy certification for New Zealand: Normalisation issues.
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