Publication or Resource

Tackling cold housing and fuel poverty in New Zealand: a review of policies, research and health impacts.
Energy Policy,
49, 134-142.
Chapman, R. Fougere, G.
Improving health through community-based housing interventions.
International Journal of Public Health,
56, 583–588. DOI 10.1007/s00038-011-0287-z
Chandola, T. Stafford, M. Marmot, M.
Does housing predict mental health status in older people in Whitehall II?
BMC Public Health,
11:682 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-682.
Cost—benefit analysis of fall injuries prevented by a programme of home modifications: A cluster randomised controlled trial.
Grimes, A. Preval, N. Young, C. Arnold, R. Denne, T.
Does Retrofitted Insulation Reduce Household Energy Use? Theory and Practice.
The Energy Journal,
37 (4).
Impact of improved insulation and heating on mortality risk of older cohort members with prior cardiovascular or respiratory hospitalisations.
Barnes, P. Kang, J. Wickens, K. Douwes, J. Stanley, T. Täubel, M. Hyvärinen, A.
Indoor visible mold and mold odor are associated with new‐onset childhood wheeze in a dose‐dependent manner.
Indoor Air,
28(1), 6-15.
Jacobs, D.E. Ormandy, D. Cutler-Welsh, M. Preval N.
Measuring the Effect of Housing Quality Interventions: The Case of the New Zealand “Rental Warrant of Fitness”.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
2017, 4.
Setting housing standards to improve global health.
International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health,
14(12), 1542. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14121542
Using Twitter to Explore (un)Healthy Housing: Learning from the #Characterbuildings Campaign in New Zealand.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
14(11) 1424-1438. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14111424
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