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Sim, D. Stanley, J. Rowan, R. Harris Clark, I. Morris, L. The Waiopehu College 2015 Research Team
Cool? Young people investigate living in cold housing and fuel poverty. A mixed methods action research study.
Social Science and Medicine – Population Health,
3, 66-74.
Lessons Learned from Implementing a Programme of Home Modifications to Prevent Falls amongst the General Population.
4(2), 26;
Well Homes Initiative: A home-based intervention to address housing-related ill health.
Health Education and Behavior,
47(6), 836-844.
Constructing housing quality, health, and private rental housing: a critical analysis (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago.
Unaffordable and unhealthy
In S. Bierre, P. Howden-Chapman & L. Early (Eds.), Homes people can afford: how to improve housing in New Zealand.
Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa
Cold New Zealand council housing getting an upgrade
Policy Quarterly
14 (2)
Home modifications to reduce injuries from falls in the Home Injury Prevention Intervention (HIPI) study: a cluster-randomised controlled trial.
Decent Expectations? The Use and Interpretation of Housing Standards in Tenancy Tribunals in New Zealand.
New Zealand Universities Law Review,
26 (2), 153-185.
Effects of minor household interventions to block draughts on social housing temperatures: a before and after study.
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online,
12(2), 235-245
Why don’t owners improve their homes? Results from a survey following a housing warrant-of-fitness assessment for health and safety.
Australian and NZ Journal of Public Health,
43, 221-227.
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